Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shirley Hunt

Shirley had the unfortunate combination of being chatty and knowing how to speak Spanish. The first day she found that conversing was distracting her subjects from the photographic experience. However, next day she didn't let on how much she could speak and found it way easier to get those candid moments.

Here's what Shirley had to say about her experience in Cuba:
Just stumbled upon a great pamphlet reminding me why I shouldn't buy bottle water, and I think it fits nicely into the Cuban experience. One of the things that impressed me a lot about Cuba was how inventive they were, re-using pop bottles for beer cups, washing out plastic bags for re-use, fixing everything rather than throwing it away. So much we can learn from that!
So here's my cause or my beef;
Bottled water companies are pumping water out of our groundwater streams aquifers, or sometimes directly from our taps, and then selling it back to us for exorbitant prices. After a very short life, most water bottles end up in the landfill sites, and the toxins from the plastic leaches into the soil, threatening the water table. Most bottles are not recycled, and most companies will not pay the added expense of using recycled plastic.